
Publications in peer reviewed journals

The many shapes and sizes of meta-governance

This article aims at deepening the understanding of how central governments enact meta-governance. Drawing on meta-governance and policy network theory, a heurist...

Steering in complex education systems: why similar aims can have dramatically different results

In the wake of neo-liberal informed global trends to set performance standards and intensify accountability, the Dutch government aimed for ‘raising standards for...

Steering dynamics in the Dutch education system

How does steering in complex education systems work? Based on detailed empirical research, our aim here is to paint a lively picture of steering dynamics in Dutch...

Steering dynamics in complex education systems. An agenda for empirical research

Many policy systems and education systems have grown more complex in the past three decades. Power has moved away from central governments in different directions...

Government, Autonomy, and Legitimacy

When looking at independent schools, the Netherlands is often mentioned as a prime example of school autonomy. Rooted in the constitution, the Dutch education sys...

Sturing van burgerschapsvorming

De burgerschapsopbrengsten van scholen in Nederland laten te wensen over. Zo blijven de competenties van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs achter bij die van...

Meer ruimte voor nieuwe scholen: waarschuwingen van overzee

Het parlement behandelt binnenkort een wetsvoorstel om bij het stichten van scholen niet meer rekening te houden met de ‘richting’ van de school. Er zijn goede re...

Huisvestingsbeleid en nieuwe scholen

Bij de woorden onderwijs en huisvesting gaan de gedachten tegenwoordig al snel naar nieuwe, dure gebouwen die – al dan niet gefinancierd met complexe financiële c...

Mass customization in schools

Faced with the diversity-efficiency dilemma, private companies apply ‘mass customization strategies' to add diversity without adding costs. As schools are urged t...

Markets in education. An analytical review of empirical research on market mechanisms in education

In the last three decennia, many governments have introduced market mechanisms in education. They have done so by enhancing parental choice and encouraging school...

Scholierenprotest en de ironie van de autonome school

In het najaar van 2007 breken er in Nederland wilde stakingen uit onder leerlingen van het voortgezet onderwijs. Het spontane en massale protest richt zich op de...

Getting Policy Done in Educational Practice

This paper develops a new, broader, and more realistic lens to study (lacking) linkages between government policy and school practices. Drawing on recent work in...

Sociale daling en onderwijs

Hoewel groot in getal, beperken discussies over de crisis in de verzorgingsstaat zich meestal tot de sociale zekerheid. Niettemin heeft deze crisis ook gevolgen v...